The Platform Cheatsheet to Mary Meeker’s 2015 Internet Trends Deck

We’ve all read Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends deck that came out last week. If you haven’t, here’s the link to the full deck.

Mary loves platforms. We combed through the deck through our platform lens and,below we have broken down the key points and slides that relate to platforms. If you have a platform business, we’ve broken down the slides by specific platform type, so you can skip to the section that relates directly to your business.

Slide 6: The top Internet companies are almost all platforms except for Netflix and


Slide 176: Platforms – Race is won by those that build platforms & drive free cash flow over long-term (a decade or more).
176_platform race-page-001

Service Marketplaces & Product Marketplaces

Slide 64: User Generated Reviews and Feedback (Airbnb)


Slide 74: On-demand platforms enabled by Mobile + Sensors + Humans

Slides 78-80: Identifying platform opportunities

Slide 112: Millennial are the largest cohort of on-demand workers

112 Millenial on demand workers-page-001

Slides 121-2: Two generations of digital platforms: Desktop vs. Mobile

Slide 126: Breakdown of freelance workforce


Slides 128-38: Internet platforms enabling commerce in increasingly efficient ways

Slides 139-145: Legal challenges for marketplaces

Slides 150-158: Digital innovation in China

Payment Platforms

Slides 32-33: Offline vs. Online Payments

32 payments-page-001




Slide 31: Slack

31 Slack-page-001

Slides 47-56: Messaging platforms are the kings of mobile

Slide 151: Social payments in China

151 China Payments-page-001

Slide 152: Media engagement through messaging

152 China-page-001Content

Slides 59-63: The power of user-generated content

Slide 65: Users are the first source for news

65 news-page-001

Social Networks

Slide 68: Social network usage among people age 12-24

68 Social-page-001

Filed under: Platform Innovation | Topics: 2015 internet trends, mary meeker, platform innovation

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